A blog featuring the game related ramblings and ideas of a role-playing gamer since 1980. My interests include many games and gaming related topics, but my main focus will be on Open Ended Original Edition Old School Fantasy Adventure Sandbox Role Playing Games (OEOEFASRPG™) The Open-Ended Sandbox Exploration of Dungeons, Wilderness and Cities. Occasionally, other topics outside of gaming will be discussed here as well.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Posting Still Sporadic For A Bit...
My posting has been sporadic and random as of late due to greatly increased work hours. It looks like it is going to continue in that manner for a bit so I may just do one post a week or something like that. In two days I am leaving for a week of training connected to the U.A.W. so it will most likely be at least a week before anything is posted. See you shortly...
Saturday, July 12, 2014
A 5E Hit Die House Rule Idea
I have finished reading through the 5E Basic Rules I had
printed out at Office Depot. Although I
was very skeptical before the release of any 5E product, I am very happy that
my initial suspicions were unfounded. I
am looking forward to getting the Starter Set in several days and I have been
coming up with ideas for adventures when I get a home campaign up and
This is
the first Wizards edition of D&D that I want to play by the book. The course of D&D has been righted with
this release and I am very much looking forward to getting the PHB. I had originally intended to wait until I
evaluated the Starter Set and played a few sessions but I am enjoying the Basic
Rules enough that I am ready to dive in.
I am in no rush to get started on a big list of house rules. I have not even played a
session yet. It seems like a pretty
solid rule set and I do not want to go messing around with it before I give the
rules as written a good workout. That
does not mean I have no ideas for any house rules at all. I do, in fact, have an idea or two that I may
implement in the future to see how well they work in actual play.
Hit Die
I think the Hit Die for Fighters (d10) and Clerics (d8) is
perfect. I think it makes sense that the
Rogue and Wizard both use a smaller Hit Die than the Cleric and Fighter; they
both use a d6. I am thinking of changing
the Hit Die for Rogues to a d6 and for Wizards to a d4 for no other reason than
to fit my perception.
Page 7 of the Basic Rules state that “…hit points define
how tough your character is in combat and other dangerous situations.” It makes more sense to me to have the Rogue
less tough than the Cleric because the Cleric represents a type of warrior
priest instead of a devout member of the clergy. It makes sense for the Wizard to also be less
tough than the Rogue and the other classes as well. I wonder if a d4 is too low. I did double check the B/X rules and both the
Thief and Magic-User use a d4 for hit points. Interesting.
Final Thoughts
Who knows if I will implement this change any time soon. I can see a few things that I could start working on right now. New races, classes, backgrounds, and trinkets come to mind pretty quickly. I believe I will wait on most of these to see what is in the PHB. Why duplicate something that is coming out in an official write up in a short while? If I work on anything else it will probably be trinkets because that would be a small investment of time if something was duplicated. Have any of you experimented with any house rules yet? Do you have a new race, class, or a rules mod you would like to share?
[Steampunk Saturday] The Mysterious Explorations of Jasper Morello
I was searching for steampunk stuff and found this short film from 5 years ago.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
5 Quick Adventure Ideas
I have been reading through the 5E Basic Rules I had
printed out at Office Depot. The Starter
Set was not readily available early in my area and I did not pre-order from
Amazon but I am getting one as soon as it hits the stores. In the meantime, I have been writing down
ideas for adventures when I get a home campaign up and running. These are just quick fire ideas that are not
fully fleshed out. I am keeping this
list here for future use and maybe someone else can use them also.
Quick Adventure Ideas
A local trade caravan has recently fallen victim to several
raids. The characters have been hired to
guard the caravan on its trade route.
Rumors have been circulating among the town folk about the
dead rising from the grave. The local
law enforcement has dismissed it as drunken ramblings but when they investigated
further there were disturbed graves with foot prints leading away from them.
The local gold mine has hit a dry spell so the miners have
started digging deeper for a new vein.
The miners that have been down to the lower levels speak of “something”
lurking in the dark that attacks some of the workers. Recently, several of the workers have
disappeared during their shift.
The last surviving member of a local, wealthy family has
not been seen for months and their manse has been silent. Suddenly, people have seen sporadic lights
and movement in the windows. Has a
member of the family returned? Are their
squatters staying in the place? The
magistrate has posted an announcement looking for a group of people to
investigate further.
A local lord’s daughter has come up missing. Did she run off with her boyfriend? Was she
taken for ransom? Did she run off and join the new cult in town? Is the answer
something even more sinister?
I am ready to start playing ASAP!
Discussion of Adventures in Fantasy (Arneson & Snider)
Just a heads up here, but it you are interested in discussion of the mechanics and/or possible house rules for Arneson & Snider's Adventures in Fantasy role playing game then head on over to The Comeback Inn and join the discussion. Currently, the efforts seem to be on house rules for cleaning up and clarifying the game. I hope these are gathered together in an unofficial supplement at some point.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
[Toldara] The Fractured Faith of Humanity
Reading over the D&D Basic Rules has got my creative juices flowing. I had a few ideas about religion in my campaign world of Toldara but I never got past a few notes here and there. I tapped into that creativity and was able to jot down more than just a few simple notes. This is just an initial attempt at detailing the most practiced human faith of Toldara but this is a good starting point for expanding at some point later in time.
faiths and religious movements of Toldara are just as varied as our modern
world. Even among members of different
faiths there are often shared themes, doctrines, and other similarities. The religion with the highest number of
adherents when doctrinal differences are ignored is
the Fractured Faith of humanity. Even
when each denomination is considered separately the number of followers is
still rather large.
The Fractured
Fractured Faith began as one movement, The Faith, among the various areas of humanity in the First Age. Towards the end of that age and on into the Second Age, The Faith began splintering due to regional differences and then various doctrinal differences began surfacing. Eventually, these disagreements led to new factions to splinter off from the original church.
of the religious paths share several similarities – holy books, holy sites,
practices, holidays, etc. – but are separated by some prominent differences
such as prophets, holy day, translations, and even more areas. Nearly all of the various factions in the
Fractured Faith are in complete agreement about the following subjects:
- A belief in one god responsible for the act of primary creation.
- The adherents often refer to this god as "The One" or "The Creator".
- They believe the name and nature of The One is incomprehensible.
- The One uses minor gods to interact with the mortals.
- Approximately one-third of the minor gods were led in a rebellion by Grax to overthrow The One.
of the more prominent divisions in the Fractured Faith include:
Church of All Paths: This faction believes that no single fragment of the old faith
has all of the answers so they look to the teachings and beliefs of all the
various factions of the Fractured Faith to guide their spirituality.
Scripturists: This faction believes that only the words of the Holy Scriptures
should be their guide in determining matters of the faith. Simply put, only scripture can guide or lead
to understanding of other passages; the words of men may be able to enhance but
can never supersede the words of The One.
Purists: This faction believes that only The One is worthy of worship or
adoration and do not recognize the minor gods as anything other than something
comparable to angels.
The Revivalists: This faction is an attempt to revive the early form of the
religion in the modern era.
Revelationists: This faction believes that a prophet who receives revelation
from The One guides their sect. These teachings
and revelations are gathered together and added to their Holy Scriptures as
time passes. A new prophet is selected when the current prophet dies. There has been several disagreements on who
the selection of the new prophet at times.
of Grax: This is the movement that has sided with the rebellious minor gods and
they work in direct opposition to the Fractured Faith.
Every human city has a temple or meeting place for one of these factions. It is very common for the larger cities to have several of these sects represented in their community. Some of the factions are peaceful towards each other while others are very nearly hostile when it comes to interacting with the others. Obviously, the Church of Grax is in direct opposition to all of the other groups.
01/10/2015 - Changed "The Combined Path" to "The Church of All Paths" and "The Orthodox Branch" to "The Revivalists".
I stumbled upon this low-budget fantasy movie on Netflix about a week ago. It reminds me of the fantasy films from the 1980s and it's still better than any of the D&D movies. I know I have seen it mentioned in my G+ feed a time or two but I have yet to see the trailer shared so I decided to share it.
Friday, July 4, 2014
5E Basic Rules - Short and Simple
Like many in the role-playing blogosphere, I downloaded the free 5E Basic Rules document yesterday. After a few minutes of browsing the information I got on the Office Depot site and looked into getting the document printed and bound to make it easier to read further; I am one of the old guys so I prefer physical books in my hand. The price was right - just $14.06 for card stock covers and coil binding - so I ordered it and it was ready two hours later. I have been reading through it off and on ever since I picked up yesterday.
I am not going to bore you with any details or a complete review in this post but I am going to keep it short and simple - Wizards, you have my attention and I am interested in seeing more. My original intention was to get the Starter Set and evaluate from there. That changed when I discovered that character creation would not be included in the boxed set. Then I decided to go with these Basic Rules after it was revealed it would include character creation rules. Now I WILL be getting the Starter Set when it hits my FLGS.