
Saturday, March 20, 2021

Zack Snyder's Justice League

I took my son to watch Justice League back in 2017.  Neither of us hated it but thought it could have been handled better; in some (most?) cases, MUCH better. I own the DVD of Justice League - the price was right at the time - and I even watch it from time to time.

I am a fan of Snyder's films in general.  I was always curious about what might have been if he had completed the film.  I heard rumblings over the years and then it was finally confirmed that Snyder was getting the chance to restore his vision of the film.  I waited for the release.

I watched Zack Snyder's Justice League last night.  I am going to keep this spoiler free but it was pretty awesome! I felt that Whedon really did not understand these characters like he did The Avengers and did exactly what he was paid to do; complete the film.  I always felt Whedon attempted to "Marvelize" the Justice League and it did not work.  Snyder's vision was true to the characters and the story was much more epic in scope.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Search is Over...

The house hunt is coming to a close much sooner than I expected.  I was about to give up for the time being.  Every time I found something I liked the property would become "pending" between the time I contacted my agent and before she could schedule a tour.  A new property became available and it appeared to be the perfect match for the two of us. I viewed the property and made an offer.  The owner accepted my offer and the contract has been signed by all parties.  I am just waiting on inspections and other final minutia at this point.  Woohoo!

I feel like I have made a pretty big accomplishment but I am also quite a bit shocked.  I never expected to be a home owner.  I grew up in a household that had material things but the living conditions were not always the best.  My mother - NO, she was not a single mom doing the best she could - was absolutely horrible at finances.  She was a hoarder, lived by the "I have checks so I have money" philosophy, and was just completely fiscally irresponsible.  My step-dad made pretty good money and we should have lived in better housing.  Make no mistake.  I am not saying we should have lived in the Taj Mahal.  I am just saying that things would have been much better if she would have been a good steward on the finances.  The few times we did move into a house we would up moving back out later because of her actions.  Like most things, the lessons begin at home.  If you are not teaching financial responsibility to your children it will be harder to learn it later in life.  It will turn into a cycle that gets harder and harder to break the longer it continues  

This is NOT a rant against single parents or two parent households that ARE doing the best they can. That is all any of us can do. Circumstances do matter.  Maybe somebody got laid off?  Maybe there was a health crisis? Maybe there was one of any assorted issues. This is about my mother and her self-inflicted issues. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

A to Z Challenge - Theme Reveal


It is that time again in April and I will be participating in the A to Z Challenge of 2021.  I am keeping the them simple this year and going with horror movies.  Each post will be about a specific horror movie.  It could be why I hate the movie, why I love the movie, how my thoughts have changed over repeated viewings, or whatever else comes to mind...

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Small Update

It has been rough at work lately.  If you are waiting on the continuation of my DragonRaid observations post it will be coming soon.  We have increased our rate of production at work and brought in new temps.  That is great for manpower but not great for quality because upper management acts like you can just throw anybody out there and things will just be better.  Not enough time to properly train or be close enough to make on the spot corrections.  It is very frustrating and kills morale to just hear "go, go, go" instead of actual solutions.  I am seriously considering a bid on a job in the Quality Department. It would be much easier on my body - I am approaching 50 - and it is time to start looking at less physically demanding work if they are not going to allow us proper training time.  Enough of my rant.

I have nine Reaper Bones miniatures in progress to complete my small collection of Orcs and Goblins.  I am trying to paint a bunch of the usual encounters in my typical campaigns.  So far, it is coming together pretty good.  I will get them finished soon but I am currently at the point pictured below.

I am planning on my next gaming purchase to be the Colonial Marines sourcebook for the ALIEN RPG.  I dig the core rulebook and I am interested in seeing what new options and ideas are in this new sourcebook.

The house hunt is going pretty good.  I have received wonderful news on the financing so that makes things easier.  The only problem right now is finding a house that is not already in the progress of being purchased.  It seems that houses are going as fast as toilet paper was going when COVID fist started. I will find one but it just might take a little bit.

My daughter turned 13 on Thursday.  We are having her birthday party on Sunday. I got her a Roblox gift card and an Apple gift card.  I was out of ideas but I do know she will like both of them.  I am also going to take her to get new softball shoes.  She will be happy!

That is about it around here.  The schedule has been work, home, sleep, work, view a house, home, sleep, work, etc. and repeat for the last two weeks or so.