When 4E was released I promptly went out & purchased the PHB, MM, DMG, Character Record Sheets, & the Dungeon Masters Screen. On a side note, I have purchased the 4E red box out of nostalgia. I've read through them and feel like it's a fine game BUT it just doesn't feel like D&D to me. I want to make it clear that I am not saying it's a bad game, or a bad design, or even going to go into the reasons I don't care for it. The point of my post is that even thought I do not plan on playing any 4E soon, I have continued to purchase the rulebooks.
This may seem contradictory to my opinion of 4E but you will see that it makes sense. I work with a guy that bought into 4E in a big way. He was utterly disappointed and has all of these rulebooks laying around gathering dust. He mentioned them one day and I asked how much he wanted for them. Believe it or not, he said I could have them for $10 each! So far I have purchased Manual of the Planes ($29.95), Monster Manual 2 ($34.95), Players Handbook 2 ($29.95), and Players Handbook 3 ($34.95). The number following each of those books is the MSRP - that means I got $134.80 (pre-tax) for only $40. With those prices I am going back for the rest of the books. It would be a shame to have this many books and never play the game...
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