Monday, December 12, 2011

For Fans of Lejendary Adventures

If you are a fan of Lejendary Adventures - or tried to get into the game and was put off by the writing style - then you might want to check this site out:

Perilous Journeys download and information


  1. I found PJ to be much easier to read and absorb over LA. I hope that they get around to releasing some more things for it.

  2. I very much agree with your opinion. In fact, once the Christmas insanity gets over with I am ordering a print copy.

  3. Thanks for the kind words. The lack of products is due to many issues but mostly related to a different rpg I am working on that is about to come out and the need for artists to work on any new project.

    Putting that aside, what other products would you want for the game? Adventures, setting material, the Keep of the Borderlands converted over?

  4. Yes!

    Seriously, just the usual stuff would be cool - adventures, setting material, maybe a book of optional rule stuff, etc.
