Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Teaser Post from A Megaversal Miscellany

For anyone interested in my other blog, A Megaversal Miscellany, I have posted a teaser for the first article. I am nearing completion on the first draft and will continue on with revisions after that.  Whatever you read in that post or below is definitely subject to change.  For those that do not feel like following the link right now the teaser post is re-posted here.


“I remember when this whole mess started up almost a year ago.  There were reports coming in on the news about a case of cannibalism or some sort of ritual murder.  At first, it was just one report and then more stories started circulating on the news. A short time later the reports started getting even weirder. 

The reports started sounding like something out of a horror movie.  People were saying that people were getting bit and then coming back to life after they died – ZOMBIES!  As I heard more of these reports I couldn't help but think it was all a bunch of bullshit.  I mean, c’mon, everybody knows the media likes to hype up these stories to get all of the idiots out there glued to the damn boob tube.  I swore it was a practical joke by some college kids that just got way out of hand.  It had to be, right?

It didn't take long for me to find out just how wrong I was about this whole situation."

To be continued....


It is not much but I do not know how much I will change in the revision process.  This is just the opportunity to give a small taste of where I am going.

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