
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser

I am somewhat surprised by the lack of attention received by the recent unveiling of the Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens teaser.  In case you have not seen it, here it is.

I have watched it several times and I have a few thoughts about the trailer.  The storm trooper in the opening scene is obviously different from the clones in the previous movies.  My first thought was that it was someone using the armor as a disguise but they could be using new clones or even several sources for the clones now. The little rolling droid, the background equipment, and the woman riding the speeder type transport had the appropriate Star Wars look so nothing is jarring from a visual standpoint.  The scene with many storm troopers seems to show varying heights for some of them so this could be further proof that there are many different clones instead of just one man cloned repeatedly. I am not sure what to make of that light saber.  Is it malfunctioning?  Is it the best work that person could do?  I just do not know.  I like the fact that the X-Wing fighters looked ragged and showed signs of use and battle.  The rolling sequence with the Millenium Falcon kind of gave a cockpit feel to the scene.

Those are my thoughts on the teaser trailer.  I will get to see where I was right and where I was wrong in December of 2015...   


  1. I thought it was well established that the Empire was no longer using clones by Episode IV, due to the time and cost it takes to produce them and their shorter lifespans. So I figured that no matter what, by the time of Episode VII the fragmented Empire was probably drafting anyone they could grab.

    1. Also....on the lightsaber, my wife pointed out that apparently that's a design that's appeared before, and she thinks the similarity of that sith to Revan from the KOTOR games is a bit suspicious. So a working theory is that it's someone who has followed the sith path but also found a very old sith lightsaber to train with.

    2. I seem to recall something similar to what you're saying in regards to the clones. I just couldn't honestly remember if it was from the "official" sources, fan sources, expanded universe sources, or what so I just took a stab.

      Those are very interesting thoughts about the lightsaber.

  2. According to Wookipeida, the only known user is the Jedi Roblio Darté. He was in Dark Horse comics in 2004-2005. Also a Nintendo DS game in 2008.

    Revan keeps being mentioned in posts. I highly doubt it is him. Disney made it a point to dismiss everything by the films and now Disney's new properties.

    With that said, I would much rather see a KOTR film than the new films, especially is Lucas is not doing them.

    1. Good point and who knows?

      I would be all over a KOTOR film or series of films - WOW! On one hand, this is Lucas' baby and I would rather no one else muck it up but he also gave us Jar Jar so I'm cautiously optimistic.
