
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Reverse Flash: Origins Episode 1

One of my favorite things to do on YouTube is watching fan films. While there are the fair share of cheesy fan films out there, some of them truly shine.  I believe that some of these franchises are even being handled better by the fans rather than the rights-holders.  Friday the 13th and Star Trek Continues are two great examples of properties the fans have handled really well.  

Another property that has been handled extremely well by the fans is Reverse Flash.  I will admit that I am not an expert on the character.  I have read some comic book issues with the character years ago and I have yet to see a single episode of the CW version of The Flash.  With that being said, I am a big fan of the Reverse Flash: Origins fan series on YouTube.  It does not come off as goofy or amateurish to me.  I have watched the entire series three times and I am looking forward to more episodes.  

Do you watch fan films? Do you have any favorites or recommendations?


  1. I love the CW Flash (other Arrowverse shows are alright, but IMO Flash is the best), but I hadn't heard of these. I should check them out.

    1. Cool! I've heard the CW Flash is really good and that's the show to check out. I'm putting it on my agenda.
