
Tuesday, April 6, 2021

[A to Z Bonus Post] E = Evilspeak

EVILSPEAK shares a very basic premise with The Exorcist; demonic possession.  Instead of a person getting possessed against their will EVILSPEAK tells the story of Stanley Coopersmith.  He is the awkward kid that is always getting bullied and picked on at school.  One day he finds an ancient tome and figures out how to use the rituals contained within the book.  Stanley summons a demon and gets revenge on his bullies.

Although EVILSPEAK shares some story elements and has similar effects to The Exorcist it did not frighten me like The Exorcist.  I watched this several times over the years.  My buddies and I would either find it on cable light night or rent it from one of the video stores.  It has one of the best cuts from an opening scene in ancient times to the modern world with a decapitated head turning into a soccer ball.  The effects during the possession period of the movie looked pretty decent as well.  If a movie that basically mixes The Exorcist and (sort of) The Omen together then check out EVILSPEAK.  An underappreciated gem from the best horror decade, the 1980s.


  1. Oh, this looks so wonderfully 80s. I'm kinda bummed it isn't streaming anywhere.

    1. I wish it was streaming. Yes, definitely wonderfully 80s.

  2. I haven't seen this one! And, I mean, I love the 80s, and the horror thereof. Hm...

    1. Always cool to find a new horror film you haven't seen. Me too. Now that I think of it....I probably should have done my challenge on 80s horror.
