
Thursday, April 15, 2021

[A to Z] M = Midsommar

No other movie that I have watched has polarized opinions as much as MIDSOMMAR.  I had seen Hereditary before buying a DVD of MIDSOMMAR for the incredible bargain of $5.  I believe it was during some sort of sale.  Whenever it was, I took a gamble and bought the movie without having seen it before.  

I got around to watching MIDSOMMAR later that night and I was not disappointed at all.  It was a slow burn that kept me highly interested the entire movie.  The pagan references and rituals reminded me of The Wicker Man.  I am not complaining or trying to detract from MIDSOMMAR.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing influence or inspiration clearly on your sleeve.  What is the old saying?  "There's nothing new under the sun.".

MIDSOMMAR had me enthralled the entire time.  It was fascinating watching the deterioration of the relationship Dani and Christian, the interaction between the group and students and the Harga, and the events leading up to the climax.  I know the film is two years old but I do not want to go into too much detail.  Someone reading this may not have seen it yet.  

MIDSOMMAR is a great film.  It is not a jump scare movie or a gore-fest.  It is more of a psychological thriller that messes with your head and makes you think.  You might even think of it as a cautionary tale about knowing what you are getting into before jumping into things such as a trip to an overseas land with an isolated pagan civilization.  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.


  1. This is STILLon my to be watched list. I knew about the connection to the Wicker Man (the original, not the Nick Cage abomination) so that interests me even more.

    So yeah the movie has long since been spoiled for me, but that is fine. I have a feeling I will still enjoy it.

    1. I think you will. Many people gripe about the slow burn but that really adds to the effect with this one.

  2. Ha! I haven't seen this one, either. I've been aware of it, but I've resisted, because I just wasn't sure I'd be into it. But it keeps coming up. Only yesterday, I texted a friend of mine for horror movie recommendations, and this is the one she came up with.
    The Wicker Man is an interesting film (the original! I haven't seen the Nick Cage one, but it sounds bad). I was especially charmed by the hobby horse, squeezing through all those narrow streets in pursuit of our hero. That was well-done and oddly frightening. So, yeah, not a bad movie to be influenced by.

    1. Cool! I think you will like it. I plan on getting The Wicker Man on DVD so I will have both of them. I hear there is even a spiritual successor to it called The Wicker Tree. Might be worth a look?
