
Monday, January 30, 2023

[Miniature Monday] Goblins

I began the paint job on these goblins almost 2 years ago.  I only painted the exposed akin areas and then I closed on my house so were lost in the shuffle for a bit.  During the last week I was at a point where I was between painting projects, so I settled on these Goblins.  I was originally planning on painting only one of them. I wasn't really satisfied with the results, so I decided to continue on with some more.  As you can see from the picture, I wound up painting three of the Goblin miniatures.  

I know I've stated several times that I'm not a competition painter and I have no intention of becoming one. I kept thinking that the results would eventually turn out better, but it didn't matter what I tried to do to produce a better paint job. I'm really not happy with the results.  I'm pretty much meh on these three Goblins.  They do pass my arm length test of not resembling a blob of paint, but these are definitely the miniatures I am least satisfied with in my collection. 

What are my thoughts on this experience?  I did experiment with painting the base of one of the Goblins black.  I do like that and may continue to do so but I will use the black circles instead of the tiled circles in the future.  Maybe it's the lack of a strong contrast between the color of the Goblin skin and the clothing that doesn't quite work for me? Maybe my paints were properly thinned or mixed for this project?  Maybe I'm overthinking it and being too critical?  I honestly don't know on this one.  I do have three more Goblins to paint so I will give it another go sometime down the road.

Monday, January 23, 2023

[Miniature Monday] Kobold


I completed my first Kobold miniature and I still have 5 more left to paint. This is one of the few tiny miniatures I have attempted.  I am not disappointed in the results, but I do see some areas that need improvement.  I need to give in and open up the smaller brushes I bought just for this size of figures. 


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Dungeon23 Part 6: Merchant Row

I'm starting my #Dungeon23 posts back up, but I can't guarantee that I will be posting something related to it every day of 2023.  There are four main reasons for this decision.  First, I want to post about other topics than the #Dungeon23.  Second, I am treating my #Dungeon23 posts as an exercise in brainstorming a rough draft that will lead to an updated pdf compilation later. Third, I am most likely going to use statistics that are system agnostic or at least not tied to the OGL. Fourth, I accepted a new job at my employer, and I have no idea what the time commitment will be, so I need to maintain some sort of balance between all of my commitments.  With that being said, let's move on to the next #Dungeon23 post.

Monday, January 16, 2023

[Miniature Monday] Mimic


Since my last two painted miniatures were a closed treasure chest followed by an open treasure chest full of gold coins in only seemed natural that a mimic should be next.  It's not an "official D&D branded miniature" but rather a mocking beast from Reaper Bones.  As you can see, it serves the purpose I'm going to use it for quite well.  I was a little concerned with how the teeth and mouth would turn out, but after applying a wash to the miniature it obscured most of the problem areas that had me concerned. I know I still have a lot of improvement to do in some skill areas, but I'm definitely satisfied with the results.  The main thing is that it passes the table use appearance test so it's all good.  It also looks consistent with the other two chest miniatures. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Talisman Adventures FRPG Core Rulebook


During a recent trip to Tulsa, I stopped at Wizard's Asylum to browse through the shelves to see what was in stock.  I saw a few things that caught my interest but nothing that just really took a hold on me.  I decided to check out the bargain section at the back of the store before I left.  I always enjoy seeing what they have to offer in that section.  I'm glad I made that decision because I got lucky.

I found a copy of the Talisman Adventures Fantasy Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook for 50% off the normal price of $49.99 and it was still in the shrink wrapping.  I picked it up and turned it all around so I could inspect the condition.  The book had no damage that I could see. The only reason it was in the bargain section was due to the fact that it was their only remaining copy and it had sat on the shelf unsold for a while.  I didn't know much about the book, but I decided to go ahead and buy it for my collection.  

I haven't done a deep dive or any serious reading of the rules yet, but I do like what I've seen so far.  One thing I have noticed is these rules don't just follow the standard expectations of most fantasy roleplaying games.  In addition to the Human, Elf, and Dwarf ancestries you can play a Ghoul, Leywalker, Sprite, or Troll.  The character classes available include the Assassin, Druid, Minstrel, Priest, Prophet, Scout, Sorcerer, Thief, Warrior, and Wizard. As you can see, there is a mix of the standard options plus a few more. 

I picked up this book with no prior experience with the Talisman board game or any previous experience with this fantasy roleplaying adaptation.  As I previously mentioned, I haven't done any major reading so far but I'm digging what I've seen up to this point.  I will definitely check out these rules in full detail and will make further posts on this game in the future.

Do you have any experience with this game?

Have you played the Talisman board game?

Monday, January 9, 2023

[Miniature Monday] Open Treasure Chest

"Full of gold" is the answer to what's inside the chest.  I tried to pain gold pieces, silver pieces, and maybe put a few gems in the chest but I was never satisfied with the results.  After it dried, I decided to make it full of gold, so I painted that part again.  I'm really satisfied with the results.  

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Dungeon23 on Hold - Waiting on FULL OGL update

As the old saying goes, "things change", and it looks like the OGL is changing in a big way. This new OGL version 1.1 goes in a completely different direction than OGL version 1.0a.  My plan was to use Delving Deeper statistics for detailing any NPCs, magic items, monsters, etc. that might pop up during my #Dungeon23 posts.  I have decided to hold off on any posts until after January 13th of 2023, because that keeps getting thrown around as some sort of cutoff date.  I would like the full details that come with that date before continuing on with any support for any type of OGL product.  I'm most definitely not a lawyer experienced in intellectual property law, copyright, trademark, contract law, or any other similar area.  I'm just a gamer with a blog that gets a small bit of traffic and interaction from time to time.  I like putting up stuff to support the games I like BUT now I have to decide whether to support any OGL game in my blog or use some sort of "fair use and no infringement intended" notice to any house rule posts I put on my blog. I suspect the OGL tab at the top of my blog will disappear at some point in the future.  Make no mistake about it, I think Delving Deeper is one of the best games I have in my collection.  I have no problem with it, but I do have a problem supporting the OGL.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Dungeon 23 Part 5: Notice Board [Catch Up Post]

This post is the first #Dungeon23 post of the day and will serve to get me caught up.

The notice board was placed in the main square of Frane years ago. It began as a way for the city officials to communicate with the citizenry and visitors. The notice board has grown to allow job postings and other types of announcements. People are free to place their information on the board all to read.  Some examples of the information that can be found on the notice board are stated below.

[1] Help Wanted at The Riverfront.  Dockmaster Jim seeks new dockhands. 

[2] Caravan to Aren seeking extra escorts. Contracts can be negotiated with the trademaster.

[3] Have you seen my cat? For reward, see Jasper.

[4] Survey team for newly discovered mine seeking extra security and help.  

[5] Have you heard the message of The Redeemer? Come to our Temple on the West side of the city.

[6] Help needed - Looking for a sturdy group to retrieve Nightshade.

[7] Rat infestation needs clearing.

more to come...

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Slight Pause

Just a heads up for anyone interested, there will NOT be a #Dungeon23 post on 01/05/2023 (today) because I'm not quite satisfied with that entry BUT there will be 2 separate posts on 01/06/2023.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Dungeon23 Part 4: Serenity Inn

I'm foregoing a map depicting the Serentiy Inn at the moment.  The inn is more for background and flavor rather than important location that needs everything mapped out; most of that can be done one the fly if it's needed.  Honestly, I'm just not excited about drawing a floor plan for an inn right at this moment.  I will, however, provide some information below that may come up during play.

The Serenity Inn is located on the West side of the road a short distance inside of Frane.  The husband-and-wife team of Otto and Brianna have operated the establishment ever since Otto's father passed it down to his son a few years ago.  They maintain a welcoming atmosphere for the citizenry and visitors of Frane and the Serenity Inn has continued to be a popular place for celebrations and activities.

The main dining area has a counter that can seat eight people while there are 12 tables that can accommodate 4 people each.  There is a fireplace to keep the building warm and storytellers or minstrels have been known to perform from time to time in the main hall.  There is also a private party room that can be rented out by the hour as well as 6 rooms upstairs that can be rented for a comfortable night's sleep.  Some of the more popular dishes served at the Serenity Inn include potato soup, roast, and fish from the nearby river.

There are rarely any issues at the Serentiy Inn that can't be fixed by a warm bowl of soup or a refreshing cup of mead.  It's a pretty lowkey place without much drama.  If one asks around, some of the rumors you might hear include the following.

[1] A mine has recently been uncovered south of the river.

[2] The evil snake-cult of Grax has tried recruiting in town recently.

More to come later...

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Dungeon 23 Part 3: North Gate

The North Gate of Frane generally stays open during daylight hours and gets closed when the sun starts lowering in the sky. Two guards (G), stationed on each side of the entrance, monitor the traffic coming through the gate.  Their main intent is to keep a watchful eye out for unsavory people that are known criminals and scam artists.  The guards also ensure that all vendors entering the city have their associated permits to set up a tent or stand in the Merchant Row area.  

These guards typically serve 8-hour shifts before getting relieved by the next shift.  If a situation arises that they cannot handle on their own, each guard has a whistle to blow in case of emergencies as well as a large bell hanging by the gate.  Using either of these will alert other members of the city watch to respond; typically, 2+1D6 of the guards will immediately respond.  When the gate is closed at nightfall, anyone seeking entrance must speak to the guards through the window in the middle of one of the doors.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Dungeon23 Part 2: Frane Map with Points of Interest

 The North Gate (1) and South Gate (9) are typically patrolled by two guards on watch.  They handle disturbances at the gates and ensure traffic flows smoothly.  They usually keep the gate open during the day and close them when the sun starts going down.  The guards have been instructed to tighten up security during this time. 

The Serenity Inn (2) is the third building on the West side of the road inside the North Gate.  Patrons can get a hardy bowl of stew, a mug of mead, or other refreshments.  There are several tables for seating and entertainment is available at times in the form of a storyteller or minstrels. The second floor has six rooms available to rent for a reasonable price.

Continuing South down the road you will find the Main Square (3) in the center of the city.  In the center of this area is the Notice Board (4) with various listings posted on it.  Situated around this area are tents, carts, and wagons comprising the Merchant Row (5) offering various goods for purchase by shoppers. A member of the city watch is usually stationed here to ensure that all vendors have a permit and to keep disputes civil.  

Travelling West down the street, you can find a Temple of the Redeemer (6) a short walk away from the Main Square area.  Across the street from the temple, Henrik's Supplies (7) offers all sorts of gear and items for sale.  Southeast of the Merchant Square area, The Bloody Claw (8) is tavern that has been known to host a rough crowd at times. 

Exiting the South Gate (9) you can access the bridge crossing over the river, or you can turn West and visit Riverfront (10), a port and dock area that serves as a stopping point of the local trade route among several cities.

[Miniature Monday] Closed Treasure Chest


A treasure chest miniature should get quite a bit of use in a fantasy game so it seemed like a "must buy" when I found this miniature at one of my local gaming stores. I had a little bit of difficulty with the silver parts because they were so small.  It was more to do with the steady hand, but I got just a touch of overage on the brown parts in some places. It took a few touchups before I got it almost perfect but then I remembered I paint for utility rather than competition.  Does it look good at arm's length?  Yes, it does.  I'm even more satisfied with it after applying a wash because it basically eliminated any issues.  The only thing to figure out now is what's inside of the chest?

Sunday, January 1, 2023

D&D 50th Anniversary in 2024

Based on an idea originally proposed by The Perilous Dreamer in this post at his blog, I am committing to posting once a month every month in 2023 leading up to the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons.  Unless I missed something, Wizards has given no indication they will recognize, celebrate, or otherwise commemorate this event. I have some thoughts and ideas on the upcoming 50th anniversary and how to make it meaningful in one way or another.

On a personal level, if you're a fan of OD&D then I would like to echo the recommendations of others to have some sort of reunion game.  Some members of your old playing group still reside nearby? Send out an invitation to have a reunion session.  If you have a blog, you could post some memories of OD&D game sessions or post an old character or some homebrewed OD&D material.  There are a ton of possibilities.

When it comes to Wizards/Hasbro I have a simple idea - make OD&D and the supplements print on demand at DriveThruRPG; even if for a limited time.  I have the pdfs but I would buy pod just so I wouldn't have to print them out myself and assemble the books.  I know they did the wooden box reprint set but this would allow people that missed out on that to own physical copies as well.  That's not anything extravagant and it would be easy to do for the 50th anniversary.

What are your ideas for celebrating the 50th anniversary of D&D?

Dungeon23 Part 1: Overworld Map

This is the overland map of the immediate area around the city of Frane in the center of the map.  Some information related to this setting and map is listed below.

The lower left-hand corner of the map contains the directional compass.  

The center of the map contains the city of Frane.  There has been pretty steady growth for several years and Frane is on the verge of becoming a hot spot or destination area for travelers. Frane is located on the North side of the river and there is a small dock and port area along the river that has spawned a fish market.  The port is a stop along the river trade route among several cities. There is a road leading North out of the city gates and a road on the South bank of the river.

Following the road North, there are three areas of interest not far from the city.  A set of ruins is to the East while a small village and lies to the West along with a small hut housing an old man close to the pond. Rumors persist that he could be a hermit, a wizard, and other interesting claims.

There is a recently uncovered opening in the small mountains on the south side of the river.  A recent storm system saw several lightning strikes in that area that caused several rockslides to occur. A survey team noticed the opening and has sent word back to the city for the possibility of further exploration.