
Monday, January 30, 2023

[Miniature Monday] Goblins

I began the paint job on these goblins almost 2 years ago.  I only painted the exposed akin areas and then I closed on my house so were lost in the shuffle for a bit.  During the last week I was at a point where I was between painting projects, so I settled on these Goblins.  I was originally planning on painting only one of them. I wasn't really satisfied with the results, so I decided to continue on with some more.  As you can see from the picture, I wound up painting three of the Goblin miniatures.  

I know I've stated several times that I'm not a competition painter and I have no intention of becoming one. I kept thinking that the results would eventually turn out better, but it didn't matter what I tried to do to produce a better paint job. I'm really not happy with the results.  I'm pretty much meh on these three Goblins.  They do pass my arm length test of not resembling a blob of paint, but these are definitely the miniatures I am least satisfied with in my collection. 

What are my thoughts on this experience?  I did experiment with painting the base of one of the Goblins black.  I do like that and may continue to do so but I will use the black circles instead of the tiled circles in the future.  Maybe it's the lack of a strong contrast between the color of the Goblin skin and the clothing that doesn't quite work for me? Maybe my paints were properly thinned or mixed for this project?  Maybe I'm overthinking it and being too critical?  I honestly don't know on this one.  I do have three more Goblins to paint so I will give it another go sometime down the road.

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