
Monday, April 10, 2023

[Miniature Monday] Grave Wraith has been demanding lately.  I just realized it's been a month or a little over since my last post.  We had a four-day weekend at work, so I decided to paint this Grave Wraith miniature that I've been meaning to paint for a while.  I began by opening the miniature, cleaning it with dish soap and water, and then mounting in on a base.

The second step was painting the main color.  I went with a Skeletor inspired color for the robe.  I also decided to add in some black in the face area and a few other small areas.

Then I painted the gravestone and the sword as well as the tiny Skeletal fingers wrapped around the hilt of the sword.
Then I painted the earthen area by the feet and gravestone.
Next, I did some touchup in the areas that need it done.

Finally, I did a wash on the miniature and then put a coat of Brush on Sealer once the wash had dried.  


  1. Hey! I was going to ask if that was a Reaper model, but I see that it is labelled "Reaper Bones," so I guess it is. Good paint job!
