
Monday, February 5, 2024

Crafting Ultima-inspired Runes

Continuing on with crafting inspired by the Ultima series of role-playing games, The old boxes used to come with all sorts of little extras in them.  I remember getting cloth maps, a coin, an ankh, and other stuff. I thought it would be cool to have some of these props to use in my games. 

I decided to try using Crayola Model Magic for some Runes.  After a few attempts I stumbled upon the method to use to get the desired results. I started with a piece that was approximately the size of a ping pong ball.  I flattened these pieces until they were about half their original thickness. Then I turned the clay with the thin sides up and down and flattened it down to approximately one-quarter of the original ball size.  Crayola Model Magic takes a while to dry, so I let the pieces sit while I searched for the Ultima Runes.  I cut these Runes into the flat side of each piece and primed the entire piece with basic grey craft paint.  I put a Strong Tone wash over the pieces of clay and let them dry.  I used basic black to fill in the symbols.  After they dried, I coated all of them with matte varnish.  Now I can pull these out if the player character characters visit a fortune teller and use them as a prop.  I ran out of Crayola Model Magic and need to buy some more to complete this set of Runes, but the stores around here have been sold out lately.


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