Sunday, September 1, 2024

September is a Go...

August is done and now September is here.  I'm going to jot down a few thoughts about moving forward. 

I completed reading Night Shift by Stephen King.  Overall, I found this short story to be pretty excellent. Reading it made me realize I don't read enough short fiction.  I think it works really well and is an underappreciated writing form in this day with 1,000 plus page epic fantasy tomes.  Ironically, I've started reading The Magic of Recluce by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. during this holiday weekend. I say ironic because there are over 20 books in the series, but I've always intended to give it a shot. After finding the first three books in excellent condition at the local used bookstore it seemed like the obvious next selection. 

My son and I watched ALIEN: Romulus at the local theater.  We both enjoyed it and thought it was great. We're big ALIEN fans in this house.  I have 5 volumes of the omnibus collections of the ALIENS novels, the ALIEN RPG, play several of the video games, and own all of the movies on DVD.  Unfortunately, I haven't gotten the chance to play the role-playing game but I'm going to remedy that soon. 

It's great to see that Venger has decided to stick around and go into the print on demand format for several of his existing products.  After reading two of his latest blog posts, End of and Aeon and Do You Believe in Unlikelihoods?, that explained his original decision and then the reversal has nudged me to buckle down.  First, I have some things I've been working on - slowly but surely - and I need to finish them.  Even if they wind up as print on demand there is nothing wrong with that at all.  I just need to get them out there.  Second, I need to finish reading and do some blog posts on the Cha'alt hardcovers.  

Happy gaming!  I'm off to do some more reading...


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