Friday, August 9, 2013

Magmanite (Steampunk Short Film)

Getting closer to the end of steampunk week with the short film Magmanite.


  1. I had no idea there were so many films. I don't know how many more you have planned, but I thought I would mention I couple. First, there is Iron Skies. It is actually dieselpunk, not steam. It has Nazi's on the moon. It is a cult film that came out a year or so ago.

    The second is Frankenstein Monster. I met the creator and it turns she actually backed SteamCraft on the kickstarter. You can find out more here:

    I would have posted this with the R2D2 below, but the comment section was covered up. You should check this page out:

    It contains steam powered robots. Go and click on the R2S2. You can watch a video of a steam powered R2D2 moving around.

    1. I think I have just til Sunday covered on the films. I forgot about Iron Skies but I have actually watched that one on Netflix.

      I just did a quick check of Frankenstein's Monster - very cool. The steamtoys link is pretty damn awesome. I watched the video of R2S2. Nice work all around.

  2. These are great! I see a youtube short steampunk film marathon in my very near future ;)

    1. I hear that! I'm thinking about adding a "steampunk saturday" feature to my blog where I focus on something steampunk-related like a book, an rpg, movie, etc. It should be starting "soon"...
