This month has been somewhat of a wash. Early in the month, a tornado passed through this area. Tornadoes are a pretty common occurrence here in Oklahoma, so it seemed like this would be a case of "another storm, another alert". When the sirens sounded, I tried looking out of my window, but all I could see was total darkness. The nearby transformer blew, and I could hear metal dinging that I thought was a neighbor's shed flexing in the storm. We did our best to take cover in the house and ride it out until the morning. Eventually, my son and I dozed off at some point in the night.

When I woke up the next morning, I realized how close the tornado had been. The metal clanging I heard was a neighbor's barn scattered around my backyard. A tree had also split and fell on the privacy fence on the west side of the lawn, so the fence came down between that and the high winds that were coming off the tornado. The craziest thing I saw was a piece of my fence that had been blown around and then forced into the ground. I would let it stay for a few days just to see how long it would stay. A week later, I pulled it out of the ground and a solid foot of that board had been shoved into the ground. It wasn't easy to get out and took several minutes of pushing and pulling that board back and forth to get it out.
We were without power that morning and remained so for the next ten days. Most of the town was without power but it was slowly restored during this time. We were fortunate that we had a place to stay with power after the first 3 days due to a friend on the other end of town getting their power back. I discovered we were only 6 blocks away from the main path of the tornado, but it did zig and zag around so that's why all the damage occurred nearby. Fortunately, our house wasn't damaged at all. I'm very thankful for that.
I did get a little reading done this month after everything calmed down. I'm almost 50% complete with The Forgetting Moon by Brian Lee Durfee. I am confident that I will buy the other two books in this trilogy because I'm digging the story and I want to see how it ends. More to come on that.
Something else I will cover in a future post is the Dragonbane game. I bought the boxed set and was so impressed that I went back a few days later and bought the Bestiary and the Monster Standees as well. this game has really captured my attention and I plan on buying the supplements and expansions as they are released. More to come on this also.
What about you? Have you been impacted by a tornado or some other natural disaster? What are you playing? What are you reading?
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