Saturday, September 7, 2024

Monster Entries Inspired by Dragonbane

As I compile information for my fantasy setting into a document for tabletop use, I find inspiration in the Dragonbane Bestiary entries. Instead of merely listing stats and descriptions for each monster, I'm incorporating quotes from in-game characters about the monsters. My rough drafts for each monster in the setting are ready, but I'm considering adding multiple quotes to some entries to showcase diverse experiences. Not all encounters must escalate to combat; alternative perspectives can illustrate positive interactions. Perhaps a character has negotiated a trade or received unexpected aid from a creature. Below are some examples of what I've compiled.

Graxian Cultists
  "The offers of peace and unity from the Graxian Cultists are seductive lies. Their peace comes from fear and intimidation. Their unity comes from blind obedience to the tenets of their dark lord. They offer a life bound to service of the world snake – not to convert followers but to CONQUER! Be mindful and wary of these charlatans. Do not entertain their offers and stray from the true faith. It will cost you everything - up to and including your very soul!” - Thomas Salinas, High Priest Church of the One God

"I’ve never seen one, but my uncle has – I KNOW they’re real! It wasn’t in this small town. He was in the capital on a job and worked with one of them. He says they’re like us – not really like us but if a lizard looked like us. They walk like us and talk like us but don’t wear armor because their skin is tough as steel. He even shared a meal with one of them. We don’t see many of them because they keep to their own places mostly. Even more so than the Elves. At least that’s what my uncle said.”- Serafina Ericson, young local girl (gossiping with her friends)

“Pa says they ain’t all bad – he even trades wit’ some uv ‘em from time to time. He says they look scary at first but ya get used t’seein’ their goat heads un fur the more ya see ‘em. Out here ‘way from the big city ya have t’ trade wit’ those ya can. We don’t have the lux’ry uv nearby merchants. Pa also says t’ stick t’ the one ya trust. Some uv 'em ARE jus’ as foul as they look.”- Abby May, rural girl (talking to a friend)

The three quotes will exemplify my goal. Currently, I have created about 10 monsters, but I aim to design 20 to 30 by the time I complete all the entries. I'm undecided whether to use Delving Deeper for the actual statistics or another system.  

Do you incorporate similar elements in your games? How do you approach it differently?

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