Living Steel

So, what's the point of a post about a game I virtually have no knowledge about? I remember seeing the ads in Dragon magazine in the 80's. We were also looking for other directions besides D&D or "yet another fantasy game" and this looked to fit the bill. I also remember that several of us wanted to get this game. Come on, look at the cover! That looks to be pretty much the opposite of D&D. The only thing I know is from the reviews I have read; basically, hearsay is it. The general impression seems to be that it was super detailed in just about everything from combat, world history, guns, etc.
We looked at several of the game stores but could never find the game. None of us knew anything about mail order at the time so that wasn't even an Maybe one of these days I can track it down at a reasonable price...
To sum up Living Steel: Great idea, poorly executed.
ReplyDeleteI personally love the extremely detailed combat system, done to hits that determine how long your character can survive without medical attention, the level of attention required to ensure survival and his chances of survival with a lower level of available care.
The game had potential, but it read like stereo instructions.
Personally, I love it. but at the same time, I'm very much aware of it's many limitations.
Thanks for the honest info about Living Steel. I am intrigued by the level of detail in this game. I would be very interested in trying it out. Too bad that the rules read like a technical manual. It doesn't scare me off, though. I still want to try it.