I was watching Star Trek (original series) the other day on Amazon Prime and remembered a conversation I had with one of my friends. Both of us grew up as Star Trek fans and would faithfully watch the episodes as they were aired on television. Both of us enjoyed the original series and The Next Generation but as every new series was added, our opinions became drastically different about the state of Star Trek on television.
I was - and still am - a fan of TOS and TNG. I hold those two series as canon and TV Star Trek ends there for me. My friend liked and watched all of the series from TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise. I do admit to watching a few episodes of each of the additional series but they just were not for me. We were discussing our differences when he stated that "with so little science fiction on television, it is our duty to watch and support it all so the networks will give more shows a chance."
What do you think?
I think it is a flawed argument. Ratings are determined by the Nielsen viewing participants, right? I have never participated in that but isn't that right? Does anybody know?
I also think that if you support "bad" shows and the networks find relevance from those numbers then all that does is encourage more "bad" shows.
Does anybody else have any thoughts on this? It does not have to be just Star Trek but any show you want to discuss. Think of the difference between Battlestar Galactica and Galactica 1980 or something similar...