A blog featuring the game related ramblings and ideas of a role-playing gamer since 1980. My interests include many games and gaming related topics, but my main focus will be on Open Ended Original Edition Old School Fantasy Adventure Sandbox Role Playing Games (OEOEFASRPG™) The Open-Ended Sandbox Exploration of Dungeons, Wilderness and Cities. Occasionally, other topics outside of gaming will be discussed here as well.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
DragonRaid - a Closer Look (Part One)
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Good Old Games - Everything Ultima
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Winter IS Here
Monday, February 8, 2021
Gaming on the Cheap
I tend to be on the lookout for bargains and deals when it comes to games and gaming accessories. I hit the usual discount racks or used game areas of my local gaming stores every time I pay them a visit. I am fortunate that Tulsa has a really awesome used book store - Gardner's - that has gaming items also. They used to have much more but some of the employees became hip to ebay and many of the items are put up on their site. I have found other sources to buy low cost gaming items.
Dollar General and Dollar Tree
If you have gamer friends on social media then I am sure you have seen these two items pictured above in the last six moths. I found the Skeleton Army at Dollar General. I believe they are supposed to go on cupcakes or used as some sort of Halloween decoration. They are a little bit bigger than the Reaper Bones I use but does it really matter? I bought the dice at Dollar Tree for one dollar a pack. I had intended to go back and buy some more but they were wiped out by the time I returned. I have been on the lookout ever since but I have not had any luck so far.
Hobby Lobby
Now for the best deal on this list because it is free because I am just re-purposing these inserts or packing material or whatever they are called. These are the extra things packed in with coffee makers or other small appliances. I have kept a stack of these things from the last six or more items I have bought. You could always ask friends or family for theirs if you needed many more. I am going to paint the one above on the right a silver color and add yellow lights and maybe some sort of turrets on the top. It will be an outpost, research lab, or some other structure for Warhammer 40K or the big box Ogre set.
Saturday, February 6, 2021
Doctor Wolfula
Friday, February 5, 2021
Upcoming Projects
I always seem to have several creative projects ongoing at one time. I admit that I am not very focused in that aspect of my life. I just can not focus solely on one creative endeavor or I will burnout and put it down and there is no telling when I will pick it back up at that point. Listed below are some things I am currently working on and will post about in the near future.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Ghost Pirate Entertainment - PG PSYCHO GOREMAN (Spoiler free Movie Reaction/Review).
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Reverse Flash: Origins Episode 1
Monday, February 1, 2021
Miniatures I Have Painted
I have only been painting miniatures for a few months. I never bothered with it back in the day because I believed I would not be able to paint "good". Fast forward years later and I have a teenage son who has become interested in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000. I agreed to buy a small Games Workshop novice set for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar to serve as a test run. If we were satisfied with the results and game play then we would continue. The Stormcast Eternals pictured below are the first seven miniatures I painted.
I was pleasantly surprised that I was satisfied with the results. I realize the paint job is not something that is going to get me commission work or anything like that but that was not my goal. I simply wanted the figures to be a reasonable representation of the character without looking like a sloppy mess. I think I achieved that and I found painting to be extremely relaxing. I picked up some Reaper Bones miniatures to paint for a future roleplaying campaign. I began with typical minis like orcs, goblins, kobolds, and player character classes. Here are two examples below.

Do you use or paint miniatures? What are some of your favorites?