Saturday, September 21, 2013

An Announcement From Perilous Journeys Publishing

I recently read the latest announcement from Perilous Journeys Publishing;  the original announcement can be read at this location at their website.  Think of this as a briefing on the state of the company and their games.  Plenty of exciting news was made available to the fans including:
  • Website has been redesigned.
  • New SteamCraft resources.
  • Free pdf with proof of purchase on an in-store purchase of SteamCraft.
  • SteamCraft expansion is coming soon.
  • A new edition of Perilous Journeys RPG.
  • more...
Stop by and check it out if you are interested in steampunk gaming.  They are up for an Airship Award and I will be doing an interview with Jamie Hardy on my blog soon.


  1. Is the 'free pdf with proof of pudding' deal the norm with RPGs these days?

    I'd think it almost a necessity, what with these kids and their fancy do-dads.

    1. I'm not sure. I know that quite a few companies offer the deal but there are other variations. Some companies offer a bundled discount where if you buy the printed book then you can add the pdf for like $10. Some companies offer both versions but do give a discount because the pdf is always low cost.

      Yeah, I would think that it close to being a necessity for fans that game with laptops, tablets, etc. at the table.

      Have you seen the Legends of Mid-South Wrestling DVD? I saw it on the Wal-Mart shelf but I did not pick it up but I damn sure mean to. It's a 3 DVD set chock full of Bill Watts promotion so it should be awesome.

    2. It is not the norm to offer the PDF with the RPG. It isn't extremely rare either. Some companies do, but most do not. If you go to DTRPG and get a POD of a game printed, you will often get the PDF for free. However, all, or almost all games that are POD are not sold to your local game stores.

      In regards to a free PDF if you buy the physical copy of a game that is available at game stores, then it is rarer to get the PDF for free. Cubicle 7, Mongoose, and Evil Hat are probably the largest companies that do this.

      Most other large companies make you pay for the PDF. Paizo makes you pay $10 for the Pathfinder PDF. Fantasy Flight Games makes you buy PDFs separately as well.

      The free PDF if you buy the game at full price from a local game store is called the Brick and Mortar guarantee. The idea is to encourage players to buy from local game stores instead of at a discounted price off the net.
