Monday, March 8, 2021

A to Z Challenge - Theme Reveal


It is that time again in April and I will be participating in the A to Z Challenge of 2021.  I am keeping the them simple this year and going with horror movies.  Each post will be about a specific horror movie.  It could be why I hate the movie, why I love the movie, how my thoughts have changed over repeated viewings, or whatever else comes to mind...


  1. Hmmm... well, I like some horror, but more the older stuff, not quite the bloody slashers of today. So, I'll have to see where you take it!

  2. Horror movies is one of my favorite genres. Looking forward to your posts. Weekends In Maine

  3. Good topic - I'm a complete wimp with a lot of horror films, but I look forward to being educated by your posts! :-)

    1. Thanks! I hope there's a little bit that everybody likes.

  4. Excited for your theme! Looking forward to seeing what horror films you pick, not always my favourite genre but I can appreciate a good one. I don't imagine there will be much crossover with my theme, Pre 1920s Film, especially as the Universal Monsters series didn't come out until the 1920s/30s, but be fun to see what you have up your sleeve.
    Ed - wizzardSS Reviews

    1. Cool! I dig your theme of pre-1920s film. Many seem to overlook the Universal Monsters these days but those films are true classics; atmosphere, creep factor, etc. I really need to do a marathon.

  5. Horror is my least favorite genre, but for some reason I enjoy listening to people talk about it. Fun theme :)

    The Multicolored Diary

    1. I needed something fun to get back into the groove. I'm trying to mix it up a bit with my theme posts so I hope there's something for everybody.

  6. Nice! I am looking forward to this.
    I might participate again this year. I took a couple of years off.

  7. Fun (or should I say scary) theme. Looking forward to your posts.

    1. Thanks! I like the A-Z posts. I took several years off from participating but I'm ready to go now. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with also.

  8. I love horror movies, but I also like to sleep at night, so choices can be hard. Hearing other people describe them is often a happy medium for me. Looking forward to April!

    Anne from

    1. Horror is definitely one of my favorite genres. A happy medium is always nice! April is going to be a fun read.

    2. Can you tell me how to put that link in comments? I used to know but I took an extended break.

  9. Oh, that sounds fun. I like your take at it. Not just the films you like, I mean.

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - The Great War

    1. Cool! I thought it would be fun to talk about the movies I like, the movies I hate, and movies that I have changed my mind about over the years. Oooh, The Great War is a fascinating theme!!! I'll be checking it out.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks! I hope there is something for everyone to enjoy.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Looking forward to getting "chicken skin" reading your posts.
