A blog featuring the game related ramblings and ideas of a role-playing gamer since 1980. My interests include many games and gaming related topics, but my main focus will be on Open Ended Original Edition Old School Fantasy Adventure Sandbox Role Playing Games (OEOEFASRPG™) The Open-Ended Sandbox Exploration of Dungeons, Wilderness and Cities. Occasionally, other topics outside of gaming will be discussed here as well.
Monday, May 31, 2021
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Combat Ready! (Toying With an Old Idea)
I have a rotating list of projects that I keep working on in my spare time. Some are in various stages of completion and will be finished someday. One idea that seems to pop up most frequently is a simple wargame using those little green Army Men that should be instantly recognizable by most everyone. I purchased a few sets at the Dollar General and Wal-Mart so I have a pretty sizable collection so far and I have spent around $12. I thought I was done buying these figures until I went shopping earlier.
Monday, May 17, 2021
Baldur's Gate I & II Enhanced Edition PS4
Sunday, May 16, 2021
DragonRaid - a Closer Look (Part Four)
This is the final post in this series examining DragonRaid; this post was preceded by part one, part two, and part three . This post looks at the secondary material included in the box.
Saturday, May 15, 2021
DragonRaid - a Closer Look (Part Three)
This post was preceded by part one and part two of this series.
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Resident Evil: Village - I Got It!

Sunday, May 2, 2021
DragonRaid - a Closer Look (Part Two)
The A-Z for April is completed so it is time to resume regular posting. Continuing from part one of my DragonRaid posts...
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Newest Miniatures
I am moving closer to having miniatures to represent each character class and what seem to be the most often encounters typically used in my games. The next thing to do is to finish painting them. Then I can start acquiring any miniatures that I will need when they come up in later games. I will have a dedicated painting area when I get moved in to the new house so that will make things easier to manage.
I have been painting miniatures for less than a year. I had tried in the past but I had no idea what I was doing. I chalked that up to a learning experience and decided to focus on other aspects of the gaming hobby. This was all in the pre-internet days so the great wealth of knowledge available on youtube and other sites was not available at the time. In 2020 my son became REALLY interested in Warhammer 40K so I went on the internet to find out how much information I could gather before going any further. I didn’t want him to have the same discouraging experience as I had in my youth.
I found numerous pages of tips, tricks, and tutorials available for any skill level. I let him pick out one of the beginner boxes and we were off to the races. I discovered that I enjoy painting and I decided to continue. I have since picked up many Reaper Bones and a good selection of the Wizkids Deep Cuts range of miniatures. I am not a grand master at painting and I don’t care to be. I paint at an adequate level that I am satisfied with so I can use my miniatures for in game purposes to represent characters, encounters, NPCs, etc.; just happy they don’t look like a blob of paint randomly brushed on a figure. Painting is also a great way to unwind and relax in my spare time. In addition, it helps me grow the hobby by passing on tips and my collection to my son.
Now it’s time to get back to packing….