A blog featuring the game related ramblings and ideas of a role-playing gamer since 1980. My interests include many games and gaming related topics, but my main focus will be on Open Ended Original Edition Old School Fantasy Adventure Sandbox Role Playing Games (OEOEFASRPG™) The Open-Ended Sandbox Exploration of Dungeons, Wilderness and Cities. Occasionally, other topics outside of gaming will be discussed here as well.
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Dungeon23 Part 0: Ready to Begin
Friday, December 30, 2022
[Fan Film Friday] Puppet Master: Revival
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Maintenance & Plans
Just a quick update about some blog maintenance and plans for the coming year.
I deleted my other blogs because they were dead in the water. I went through a divorce years ago around the time they were started, and I struggled with getting up and going. The time for a separate blog on those subjects has come and gone. If there is anything that comes up that would be worth posting, I will just post it here.
I plan on continuing on with my usual D&D posts, Miniature Monday posts, and Fan Film Friday posts as well. In addition, I plan on posting once a month leading up to the 50th anniversary of D&D as well as attempting the #Dungeon23 challenge. I'm not sticking to just a megadungeon for my posts, though. I'm going to try to use this as an opportunity to consolidate and flesh out the scattered notes for my campaign world a bit better. There will be overworld stuff, town locations, dungeons, etc. The point being trying to have 365 posts about campaign world information in one form or another.
Monday, December 26, 2022
[Miniature Monday] Bone Guardian
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Mini Hooks for Fantasy Campaigns III
Continuing on...
20. A recently reclaimed tome believed to be of great magical power whose pages turn blank if you read the words aloud.
21. A local mage's animal companion has been seen around town for the last several days but there has been no sign of his owner.
22. A Constable from a nearby town shows up with a "Wanted" poster and the picture looks remarkably like the constable in the PC's town.
23. A woman one of the PC's has never seen before shows up with an escort from the city guard at a PC's house looking for her brother that she claims is him.
24. A small group of the King's Guards shows up looking for "volunteers" of a certain age and the PC's fit the bill.
25. An old friend of one of the PC's tracks them down, visibly nervous and agitated they explain about needing help from the local ruffians.
26. As the local population awakes and begins its' day, the citizens find an Ogre asleep by the local well or in the middle of town square.
27. While doing research in the local archives, a local scholar has discovered information on the remnants of a lost civilization that was rumored to possess magical knowledge that has not only been lost in the modern age but is more powerful than the current spell knowledge. A local businessman is looking for a group of explorers to hire to investigate the ruins and bring back such knowledge.
28. With the arrival of the latest New Moon, a constellation has disappeared from the night sky.
29. During the last week the statues in the town square have been in different spots each morning. It was believed to be the result of some local pranksters until this morning. The statues were not only in different spots in the town square but in different poses.
30. The PCs have been hired to escort a caravan with several sealed boxes and locked chests. Upon arrival at their destination, their contact does an inventory to discover that the contents of all the containers have been removed and they are now filled with rocks, sand, and hay. His guards have closed in and he is demanding answers from the PCs.
Monday, December 19, 2022
[Miniature Monday] Yuan-Ti
When I decided to start working on my campaign world of Toldara I knew I had to include them. The main design goal of Toldara was to include stuff inspired by things I enjoy as well as a greatest hits compilation of ideas from my older campaigns. During a time of holiday shut down I was watching some older movies from my collection that I knew what I had to do with the Yuan-Ti.
I had the Cult of Grax representing one of the forces from one of my old campaigns. I definitely planned to include them in Toldara. While watching the 1982 Conan film and seeing Thulsa Doom, the cultists, and the snakes brought all this stuff together. The Cult of Grax would be a snake cult, their symbol would be a globe with a snake coiled around it, they would have custom Clerics, and this hybrid snake & man figure would represent an especially devoted Graxian Cultist rewarded with dark powers by their dark lord.
Friday, December 16, 2022
[Fan Film Friday[ Slasherverse Trailer
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Mini Hooks for Fantasy Campaigns II
Continuing on with mini hooks to use as ideas in your fantasy games...
11. A young child has returned to town with a few small gems he found in a hollow tree trunk in the woods outside of town.
12. The local witch living close to town has appeared in the town square warning of bad omens for the times ahead.
13. An eerie wolf's howling can be heard at night ever since a caravan of entertainers recently set up camp outside of town.
14. During a lull in the town's holiday celebration, a woman comes through the crowd with the local constable and points toward the PC's while proclaiming loudly "That's them!".
15. Small bands of soldiers have been turning up in town with no explanation for their arrival.
16. One of the Priests runs from the local temple screaming "We must renounce this faith!".
17. A bump has risen from the ground in the town square and has slowly gotten bigger over the last week.
18. A very large feather from what must be a gigantic bird has floated down and landed right on the entrance to the city.
19. Several townsfolk claim their fortunes have been read by one of the vagabonds performing in town and have turned out to be true. One of the PC's is the most recent person to visit them and have their fortune read.
20. A recently reclaimed tome believed to be of great magical power whose pages turn blank if you read the words aloud.
More to come...
Monday, December 12, 2022
[Miniature Monday] Fixing Bent Weapons
On another trip to one of the local gaming stores, I was browsing through their selection of miniatures and found two packages with three kobolds in each package. The only problem was that one of them had a bent sword (see the picture on the left) and those two packages were the only kobolds in stock. I decided to buy them all so I wouldn't have to wait for more to arrive or worry about trying to match colors if I didn't paint them all at once.
Friday, December 9, 2022
[Fan Film Friday] Prelude to Axanar
I was under the impression that Paramount didn't allow the Star Trek: Axanar fan film to continue after they raised so much money on crowdfunding. Apparently, I missed the announcement that Axanar is coming soon. To see what Axanar has to offer, watch the Prelude to Axanar fan film.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Mini Hooks for Fantasy Campaigns I
I like to keep a list of random hooks that may lead to adventure ideas in my fantasy campaigns so I thought I would share some of them here. Maybe they will help some others come up with ideas to expand on these or ideas of their own.
1. Strange lights have appeared in the nearby hills outside the city the last 3 nights. These lights have showed up at the same time and last for one hour.
2. The cat population on the city streets has become noticeably higher in the last week.
3. The local crypt has been violated. The all evidence points to something breaking out of the crypt rather than breaking into the crypt.
4. A local group of youths have returned from a hunt with an abnormally large egg.
5. Graffiti from a long dead cult has appeared overnight on a local temple or church.
6. A local youth known for exaggeration has returned to town frightened. He babbles on about an army of monsters passing in the nearby woods.
7. A small group of Orcs has surrendered themselves at the gate seeking asylum.
10. A local Priest has started acting strangely and appears unkept after studying a newly reclaimed lost tome of knowledge recently turned in to the local temple by a group of explorers.
More to come...
Monday, December 5, 2022
[Miniature Monday] Dungeon Door
I've always wanted to try painting some scenery such as doors, tables, altars, etc. for use in my games. I commonly see this type of scenery at one of the game stores but it's usually a set of several pieces. I've avoided picking any of those up because the price and contents are both a larger commitment than I wanted to make on a trial run experiment. I left without purchasing any scenery.
On the next visit I was browsing through the miniatures, and I found a package with two doors. I don't remember exactly how much it cost but the price was right, and two doors is a small commitment. I bought the package of doors, and I painted them when I got home that day. It went really well, and I like the results. I'm definitely buying more scenery such as some tables, an altar, and some bookshelves to start.
Friday, December 2, 2022
[Fan Film Friday] Dylan's New Nightmare
If you're a fan of A Nightmare on Elm Street movies, a new fan film is coming that might catch your interest. Dylan's New Nightmare is a fan-made sequel to Wes Craven's New Nightmare. The film is set 25 years after the original and features Dave Mcrae (as Freddy) and Miko Hughes (Dylan Porter) in the cast. Dave is probably the best choice for a new Freddy that I've seen so far and Miko returns to the role of Dylan 25 years later. Keep your eye on this one. It looks good!
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
[Palladium] Exceptional Attributes House Rule
I've been in the mood to play some Palladium Fantasy lately. Like many of you, the first thing I'm doing is looking at potential house rules for any game I'm going to play. I'm not opposed to the use of exceptional attributes in the game, but I've always wanted to tweak the rule. Instead of a roll of 16-18 granting a guaranteed D6 bonus to the attribute score, I've always wanted to change it to a possibility of a bonus. I've tinkered with several different ways to do this but until I recently posted at The Ruins of Murkhill about it I hadn't been happy with the ideas I previously attempted to use. Thanks to The Perilous Dreamer for suggesting the modification to my original idea. The house rule is detailed below.
Exceptional Attributes: A roll of 16-18 during attribute generation grants the possibility of an exceptional attribute. A roll of 16 gives a 10% chance, a roll of 17 gives a 25% chance, and a roll of 18 gives a 50% chance of an exceptional attribute. If the exceptional attribute roll is successful, you roll another D6 and add the score to the previously generated score.
I think that will work. It's easy to implement and it makes the exceptional attributes more rare and truly exceptional. I haven't tested it out in play yet, but it sounds reasonable. I may look at the attribute table in general to see if it needs to be modified as well. Have you done anything like this with Palladium? Did it work? Any suggestions?
Monday, November 28, 2022
[Miniature Monday] DIY Gelatinous Cube
I'm still painting miniatures to help scratch the old gaming itch; maybe I'll be fortunate enough to get a group together sometime in the near future. As I continue to learn new methods and try out new tips, I have dipped my toe into crafting a miniature as well. To avoid any confusion, I am absolutely not casting a metal miniature or anything similar because that is outside of my skill set and my artistic ability. My miniatures are painted for tabletop use only and will definitely not win any sort of competition.

Sunday, November 27, 2022
Posting Again...
It's been a few months since I last posted. It hasn't been from a lack of willingness, but we have worked an extremely large amount of overtime this year. I've got the itch to start blogging again on a (at least) somewhat regular basis. I've got some new ideas for posts, I have some posts already scheduled in the queue, and maybe even a surprise here and there. Who knows? I still have a secret project I am working on but it's not yet ready for extra eyes. Stay tuned for more information...
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Champions of ZED [An Overview, NOT a Review]
When people find out I have a copy of Champions of ZED, they always want to know about the contents of the rule book. I answer this question enough that I decided to make a post about it at The Ruins of Murkhill forums. I'm a big fan of the work being done by D.H. Boggs and I look forward to seeing what's next. I'm not a professional (or even amateur) game reviewer but just an old gamer with a few few thoughts and observations. I collected the slight edits and have reproduced the updated version below.
Champions of ZED: Zero Edition Dungeoneering is a hardbound 189-page rulebook written by Daniel Hugh Boggs and published by Southerwood Publishing in 2013. The following is not necessarily a review but may share aspects with a review. The information below contains my observations from reading through the various sections of the manual. Off we go…
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
A to Z 10 Year Update: W is for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
This post has been updated since it was originally published on April 26, 2012.
A to Z 2012: Gaming in the 1980s
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Here is one more game that I owned but never played. I got it hoping that I could add on to the A/D&D material - races, classes, etc. - that we used during play. I got it and at first flip through I was somewhat disappointed because the material did not readily lend itself to immediate use within the A/D&D rules. In other words, to be used the material would have to be converted from one rule system to the other. Plus, there was some resistance against learning another new rule set at that time among members of the gaming group. I put WFRP away for years and never did get around to running or playing in even one single session of the game. I wonder what it would have been like.
I got rid of the original Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay rulebook in one of my game purges over the years. I did the same thing with 2nd edition, and I never did get an opportunity to play either one. I skipped 3rd edition because of the semi-board game setup. There are now two options available to scratch your Warhammer Fantasy itch. You can get a retro-clone known as Zweihander RPG or buy the official 4th Edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
Note: This post will be my last post in the 10-year update series. My original X, Y, and Z posts were filler, and I was never happy with them. I considered replacing these three posts with completely new posts, but I felt that went against the idea of updating the old posts. Rather than piling more filler upon more filler I am stopping with the updates on the W entry.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
A to Z 10 Year Update: V is for Villains & Vigilantes
This post has been slightly altered since it was originally published on April 25th, 2012.
A to Z 2012: Gaming in the 1980s
Villains & Vigilantes
Villains & Vigilantes 2nd edition is a game of several firsts for me:
- V&V was my first non-A/D&D rpg purchase.
- V&V was the first supers role-playing game that I ever bought.
- V&V was the first game I bought at a convention. It was Conjuration I in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My uncle David - the one who passed down his A/D&D stuff to me - took me with him.
- V&V was the first rpg we played that had a continuing campaign with recurring characters and an evolving time; EVERY game of V&V we played was somehow connected together through characters, organizations, or some other connection.
Monday, April 25, 2022
A to Z 10 Year Update: U is for Ultima
This post has been altered since it was originally published on April 24, 2012.
A to Z 2012: Gaming in the 1980s
UltimaThe Ultima games and me go way back. I was first introduced to Ultima at an old friend's house. His older brother had a Commodore 64 and a huge stockpile of games - Rings of Zilfin, Adventure Creation System, and several Ultimas to name just a few. One afternoon we did not have any D&D adventures prepped to play so he told us he "had something that we could play that was almost as good."
Saturday, April 23, 2022
A to Z 10 Year Update: T is for Talislanta
This post has been updated since it was originally published on April 23, 2012.
A to Z 2012: Gaming in the 1980s

Our custom at that time was to split the cost of any new games we purchased to just try out. If both of us liked it, then we would get another copy. If one of use liked it and the other did not, the other person would buy out the other half or just go half again on the next purchase. If both of us did not like it, then we were only out half the price of the game. With the modern prices of these types of games it might not be a bad idea to get some like-minded people and arrange a purchase arrangement like that again.
Friday, April 22, 2022
A to Z 10 Year Update: S is for Shadowgate
This post has been updated since it was originally published on April 21, 2012.
A to Z 2012: Gaming in the 1980s

Shadowgate is still one of my favorite games for the NES. I own a copy I play on my Retron as well as a Gameboy copy for my son. More information can be found at the following links.
The Wikipedia entry includes some basic information about the game, the world, and the legacy of the game.
Shadowgate is available on Steam in the original version and one with updated graphics.
The trailer for a new game, Shadowgate VR, is available on the Oculus VR system.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
A to Z 10 Year Update: R is for Rogue
This post has been updated since it was originally published on April 20, 2012.
A to Z 2012: Gaming in the 1980s
Several members of our gaming group took an introductory computers course together in high school. I honestly remember very little of what was taught in that class; with time passing and things changing it is a whole new world when it comes to computer programming. The one thing I do remember from that class is discovering the computer game Rogue.
One of the guys in the class brought it to school on an old floppy disk. A few minutes later and it was loaded on to every computer in the classroom. One by one, people immediately started it up and began playing the game. Some people did not care for it but most of us enjoyed playing and would do so every spare moment we got in class. At first, we would just show up early and sneak in a few minutes of game play before class started. Then we started sneaking in some play time after the teacher gave us our assignments and retreated to her office. There were a few times that one or more of us got caught playing when the teacher returned, and we could not get the game shut down quick enough. I have downloaded a new version of this game recently and it has a "fake DOS" button that you can push to avoid that issue. That sure would have helped out years ago.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
A to Z 10 Year Update: Q is for Quest of the Ancients
This post has been minimally updated since it was originally published on April 19, 2012.
A to Z 2012: Gaming in the 1980s
Quest of the Ancients
- Does somebody reading this post own this game?
- Is it worth picking up?
- Am I missing something out of the fantasy genre by not having this game?
- Can anyone just give me an honest evaluation of this game?
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
A to Z 10 Year Update: P is for Palladium Books
This post has been updated since it was originally posted on April 18, 2012,
A to Z 2012: Gaming in the 1980s
- Robotech - It all started with this. I bought the core book and one of my buddies bought some of the old Robotech VHS tapes because we used to rush home to watch it after school.
- Palladium Fantasy - Jamie bought the original first edition black cover rule book. I would probably pay top dollar for this today because we had so much fun with it. Yeah, it's basically a very heavily house D&D but our campaign switched to this system for a long time.
- Heroes Unlimited - I got the first editon and would be interested in playing the second edition.
- RIFTS - The awesome! Look for R is for RIFTS to hear some thoughts...
Monday, April 18, 2022
A to Z 10 Year Update: O is for OGRE
This post has been updated since originally being published on April 17, 2012.

Saturday, April 16, 2022
A to Z 10 Year Update: N is for Nintendo Entertainment System
This post has been updated since originally being published on April 16, 2012.
A to Z 2012: Gaming in the 1980s
Nintendo Entertainment System