A blog featuring the game related ramblings and ideas of a role-playing gamer since 1980. My interests include many games and gaming related topics, but my main focus will be on Open Ended Original Edition Old School Fantasy Adventure Sandbox Role Playing Games (OEOEFASRPG™) The Open-Ended Sandbox Exploration of Dungeons, Wilderness and Cities. Occasionally, other topics outside of gaming will be discussed here as well.
Friday, December 31, 2021
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Sanctions: Ops & Admin
The Sanctions rulebook introduced the brutal biopunk world of the year 2086. This is a world ravaged by warfare and climate change with refugee citizens living in walled Plexes to offer some sort of protection from the threats outside such as mutants. Honestly, life inside the Plexes is not much better due to increased crimes such as murder, inhumane experiments, and more. Laws have been changed to allow the use of "Sanctioned Operators" to take on policing duties, perform search and rescue missions, and other tasks.
Ops & Admin expands on the world of Sanctions by focusing on the operators. This 136-page manual is presented as a guide for new operators. There is new information on Plex threats, going solo, gear, transportation, gadgets, and more. One of my favorite things in the book are the in-world ads and promos featured throughout the sections. A great example of this is the ad for Blox which is very reminiscent of Soylent Green. Having these little extra tidbits of world information mixed in among the pages immerses the reader in the world of Sanctions.There are some things that make the Ops & Admin book stand out from the previously released core rulebook. The original book was black and white throughout the interior while Ops & Admin has a large amount of color illustrations and the addition of the brown background on the pages make the book more appealing to the eye. You can tell that Liam is getting more proficient with the word processing software he is using as this book is a definite step up in the layout. In addition, there is now a disclaimer at the beginning of the book.
Friday, December 24, 2021
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Recent Happenings
As the year is winding down to a close - ALREADY - and 2022 is approaching quickly I am posting about what I have been doing and what lies ahead for this blog.
FOCUS: I had racked up a bunch of scheduled posts about fan films to help bulk up the posting in the second half of this year. Instead of enhancing the experience, it became the focus because work got extremely demanding, and I coasted much more than I had envisioned. I am going to reign in the focus back to games, related subjects, and geekery in general for most of the posts; anything else will serve to enhance the topics.
SUBJECTS: The games I plan to focus on in the coming year include AD&D (first and second edition), Arduin, Delving Deeper, and any other game that catches my interest such as Sanctions from Purple Crayon Games. I also have projects of my own such as Grunts (a simple minis game using thhose little green Army men), Toldara (a campaign world for Delving Deeper or other old school games), and a secret project that I am keeping under wraps util it is further developed.
OTHER: I set a goal of reaching 1,000 posts before the end of 2021 at The Ruins of Murkhill forums and I am currently approaching 1,100 posts. I was also asked to be a member of the moderation team and I accepted. I am pretty stoked about both accomplishments because the Ruins are my favorite old school gaming forums. I will continue to post there in the future.
That is a quick look back and forward at the blog. I really hope I can return to much greater posting in 2022. What are your plans on your blog?
Friday, December 17, 2021
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Jason of House Vorheez [Delving Deeper Monster]
I forgot to post this around Halloween but I had intended to "improve" and complete the information in this monster inspired by Jason Vorheez. I thought it would be a fun project for that time of the year, but I never was completely satisfied with the entry. Maybe I will complete it in the future? It's time to do some Christmas time monsters and I haven't even begun.
Friday, December 10, 2021
Friday, December 3, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Friday, November 19, 2021
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Return of Emperor's Choice and Arduin
If you have not heard yet Emperor's Choice has a new web presence and has begun taking and filling orders. I immediately ordered the Arduin Trilogy reprint and I am waiting for it to arrive. I missed out on the original versions of The Arduin Grimoire and the follow up volumes when I was much younger. I did buy The Arduin Adventure because that was the only product I could find in the stores for some time. It disappeared while I was serving in the Army but I did find out that The Arduin Adventure is included in this reprint! I am pretty excited about finally having the original 3 volumes of Arduin plus replacing The Arduin Adventure. Now I wait...
Friday, November 12, 2021
Friday, November 5, 2021
[Fan Film Friday\ Power Rangers: Resurgence - PILOT (Episode 1)
Friday, October 29, 2021
Friday, October 22, 2021
Tangle Tree [Delving Deeper Monster]
First impression of the Tangle Tree monster for my Toldara campaign; presented in Delving Deeper stats.
Tangle Tree
Number Appearing | Number in Lair | AC | Move Rate | HD | Lair Nearby | Treasure Type | Alignment |
1 | 1 | 9 | n/a | 3 | n/a | n/a* | C |
[Fan Film Friday] Halloween Night
Friday, October 15, 2021
[Fan Film Friday] BELIAL (a Basket Case Fan Film)
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Bone Guardian [Delving Deeper Monster]
First impression of a Bone Guardian for my Toldara campaign; presented in Delving Deeper stats.
Bone Guardian
Number Appearing | Number In Lair | AC | Move Rate | HD | Lair Nearby | Treasure Type | Alignment |
1-3 | n/a | 7 | 7 | 2+1 | n/a | n/a | N |
Friday, October 8, 2021
[Fan Film Friday] Friday The 13th: Resurgence
Friday, October 1, 2021
I ordered a copy of Delving Deeper a while back. I have been reading through different sections of the rulebook and the wheels are turning. I have checked out many of the retro-clones, neo-clones, and games just barely inspired by one form of D&D or another and I think Delving Deeper may be my favorite of the bunch. It really feels like it is touching on all the bases for me. This is a little weird because I never owned or played by the OD&D rules. I started playing with a Holmes Basic set and the AD&D hardbacks.
I will admit that I was a little concerned about the rules using only the Fighter, Magic User, and Cleric classes with Thief being included as an optional class. I understand the appeal now. The simplicity has actually made it easier for me to add races to the game. I have started converting my Toldara information over to the Delving Deeper system and it has been really smooth. I have one player race ready and in a usable condition and I am working on the other race. I will post that information soon. I hope to actually put up a free pdf of all my additions at some point in the future.
Here is a preview of the Slarn character race; it is just the bare bones right now but I will be adding some artwork and the corresponding monster entry to go along with it.
SLARNS are often mistaken for the much more savage Lizardmen but are actually an entirely separate species of reptilian humanoids of roughly human size. In contrast to the Lizardmen, the jaws of Slarns only protrude about 4 inches from their face and their tail is more of a short nub of approximately six inches. Slarn typically populate the warmer climates such as jungles and tropical areas but they have been slowly expanding their reach in recent years. It is not uncommon for Slarn to face a negative initial reaction in urban areas due to their similarity to Lizardmen.
Slarns may advance up to 6th level as a Fighter. They usually prefer swords or spears as weapons and rely on their natural tough skin for protection since armor for them is very expensive due to the level of customization. The scaly skin of the Slarn provides them the equivalent AC of Leather armor (7) and improves by 1 at every level after. Slarns save vs. Breath Weapon as a Fighter 4 levels higher than their current level. Slarns have a natural ability to blend in to background surfaces similar to the Thief ability to hide in shadows by changing the color of their scales. This is done undetected on a roll of 5-6 on a six-sided die at levels 1 and 2, a roll of 4-6 at levels 3 and 4, and a roll of 3-6 at levels 5 and 6. Attacking negates any advantage of surprise from that point in the encounter.
[Fan Film Friday] A Nightmare On Elm Street - Up All Night
Sunday, September 26, 2021
A New Package Arrived....
I have been pretty busy the last few months since moving into my new house and with the summer being the busy time for the bus building business. Things are leveling out and slowing back down to normal so I will be able to blog more often instead of relying on fan film posts. I have made some purchases in the meantime and the latest purchase had the following five books.
Friday, September 24, 2021
Friday, September 17, 2021
Friday, September 10, 2021
Friday, September 3, 2021
Friday, August 27, 2021
Friday, August 20, 2021
Friday, August 13, 2021
Friday, August 6, 2021
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Friday, July 30, 2021
Friday, July 23, 2021
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Latest Game Purchases
These nine books are my last two game purchases. I bought all of this stuff from one buyer in two different shipments so I am putting it all together. This post is just a sneak peek at it all and I will post about my impressions on these items in the near future....
Friday, July 16, 2021
Pretty Much Done
Final Move
Friday, July 9, 2021
Monday, July 5, 2021
Moving In
Friday, July 2, 2021
Friday, June 25, 2021
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
New OLD Stuff Has Arrived
The Palladium Role-Playing Game Revised Edition is not the edition my gaming group played as teens. We played the black and red covered original edition. The edition I bought is much closer to that one AND I have always intended to buy all three versions of the core book anyway so I only lack one at this point.
Monday, June 21, 2021
Update on The TSR Reprints I Want...
Back in November of 2012 I posted about The TSR Reprints I Want and I never followed up to that post. I was scrolling through my reading list and noticed that post was still getting read from time to time as I passed by the stats portion of the page. Just for fun I decided to revisit that post and see what is and what is not available now.
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Latest Gaming Purchase
Friday, June 18, 2021
Saturday, June 12, 2021
New OLD Stuff on the Way
Years ago I was browsing a bookstore in the local mall and ran across a new game called DANGEROUS JOURNEYS: Mythus by Gary Gygax. I had no idea he was making a new game so I bought it since I enjoyed AD&D so much. I was intrigued by the game and world information in the core book and always intended to buy more. I was never able to buy much additional product beyond the magazine because the game was stopped shortly after that. Eventually, I got rid of my copy.
Recently I check one of the For Sale postings on The Ruins of Murkhill forum to discover someone listed four DANGEROUS JOURNEYS products - Mythus, Mythus Magick, Mythus GM Screen, and Mythus Bestiary - so I quickly contacted them. The books are on the way so I can mark some items off my quest list.
More posts in the future on these books are sure to come...
Friday, June 11, 2021
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Gaming Magazines of the Past
I purchased digital copies of issues 27 and 28 of The Space Gamer from Warehouse 23 this weekend. Those are the first two issues of the Steve Jackson Games run on the magazine. Looking through the contents of these two issues has really made me nostalgic about the gaming magazines of the past. I would frequently purchase an issue or two of something off the magazine shelf whenever I visited Starbase 21 back in the 80s and 90s. I would continue that trend after that time with other stores and other magazines even when I had a long gaming slump after 2000.
I discovered my first role-playing magazine with Dragon. I do not remember the exact issue but it was a relatively early one. I would buy up every new issue at the store and eventually got a subscription. I had a pretty impressive stack of issues going and I made the unfortunate decision at some point to remove the articles I found worthwhile and get rid of the other contents. I have an old binder or two somewhere that has all of these articles; I hope I still do at this point.
I would pick up many more magazines over the years. I enjoyed The Fantasy Gamer and would have preferred it stayed separate from The Space Gamer but I will take it either way honestly. Nintendo Power also had a similar appeal to me with the maps and walkthroughs of games. Shadis was a long time favorite of mine as well as Vortext. Pyramid was a good magazine but it never grabbed my attention like old copies of The Space Gamer. Finally, The Rifter was a great Palladium Books house publication. I wish that they would have focused that energy on updating old product and releasing new content but a new grab bag of useful articles was always welcome.
Unfortunately, none of these magazines still exist today. I know most everybody has moved to forums and a web presence. I get the reasons why and I do not hate the forums. I frequently several of them and post quite frequently at times at The Ruins of Murkhill. I just wish there was still one good general gaming magazine around. It is similar to the difference between a book and an e-reader for me. Nothing beats the crisp, new smell of a new magazine (or book) in hand. I could really go for laying on the couch with an issue in hand reading it until I got drowsy and decided to take a nap.
Saturday, June 5, 2021
[DragonRaid] Character Creation
I had planned on doing a step by step walkthrough of Character Creation for DragonRaid game. I posted on The Ruins of Murkhill forums as a first draft to doing a post here. I discovered that the process of LightRaider creation does not allow many choices. I am not making any claims that you cannot create and interesting or worthwhile character. I am just pointing out that there are very few choices to be made during the process.
LightRaider creation is basically a marathon session of rolling a d10 and writing down the results on a LightRaider Worksheet. This is done for all of the Character Strengths and most of the Physical Attributes. The remaining statistics are figured by taking different Character Strengths or Physical Attributes and adding them together then dividing by a set number. The only areas that offer you a choice of options are Weapon Abilities and Optional Character Abilities; there are 14 Weapon Abilities and you can pick 3 while there are 11 Optional Character Abilities and you can also pick 3 of those.
Rather than make a new post about character creation here I will just reproduce my other posts below.
This is going to be a step by step walk through of character creation for the DragonRaid game. Characters in DragonRaid are known as LightRaiders. It may be surprising to know that the chapter on character creation in the rulebook is barely more than a page long. This is probably where the LightRaider Worksheet comes in handy with all the formulas on it. In addition to those two items I opened the bag of StarLots (d10s) included in the box. So it begins...
STEP 1 - Character Strengths
Each character has 9 attributes that are determined by rolling d10 for the rating in each; higher is better. I got:
(LO) Love = 10
(JO) Joy = 5
(PE) Peace = 10
(PA) Patience = 1
(KI) Kindness = 8
(GO) Goodness = 2
(FA) Faithfulness = 2
(GE) Gentleness = 4
(SC) Self-Control = 10
STEP 2 - Physical Attributes
Physical Vitality (PV) is determined by adding Character Strengths and dividing by 2.
*It takes a minimum of 19 to be a LightRaider.*
(PV) Physical Vitality = 26
Strength and Agility are determined by rolling a StarLot
(ST) Strength = 3
(AG) Agility = 10
STEP 3 - Character Abilities
These 8 abilities are determined by taking a various number of the previously determined ratings and figuring the average score. For instance, Listening is determined by PE x2 + PA + SC = total / 4
(CO) Courage = 5
(LIS) Listening = 7
(EN) Endurance = 5
(QM) Quiet Move =6
(HO) Hope = 4
(VIS) Vision = 2
(KN) Knowledge = 2
(WIS) Wisdom = 7
STEP 4 - Armor
Like the Bible verse says to put on the "full armor of God"...
(BT) Belt of Truth = KN = 2
(BR) Breastplate of Righteousness = GO = 2
(SF) Shield of Fate = all character strengths/9 = 5
(HS) Helmet of Salvation = HO = 4
(SS) Sword of the Spirit = 1 (automatic)
(BGP) Boots of the Gospel of Peace = (LO+JO+PE+GO+FA)/5 = 5
STEP 5 - Weapon Abilities
All LightRaiders have Solo Battle = PE + EN + COx2 = total/4
(SB) Solo Battle = 6
Pick 3 more from a list of 14
Dagger = (CO+SC+SB+AG)/4 = 7
Sling = (HO+CO+SC)/3 = 6
Sword = (CO+EN+SB+AG)/4 = 6
At this point, the LightRaider Worksheet must be turned over to complete calculations.
STEP 6 - Defensive Abilities
All LightRaiders have the following three Defensive Abilities.
(EE) Evade Enemy = (PE+PA+SC)/3 = 7
(RFI) Recover From Injury = (HOx3+CO+EN)/5 = 4
(RT) Resist Torture = (JO+FAx2+SC+HO+CO+EN)/7 = 4
STEP 7 - Optional Character Abilities
Pick 3 from a list of 11 possibilities.
(CLS) Climb Skillfully = (JO+PE+PA+SCx2+EN+CO)/7 = 6
(SE) Sense Evil = (GOx2+KN+CO)/4 = 2
(TE) Track Enemy = (JO+PA+SC)/3 = 5
At this point, the LightRaider Worksheet is completely filled out. The next step should be transferring the numbers to the LightRaider Character Sheet.
Friday, June 4, 2021
[Fan Film Friday] Dungeons & Dragons Concept Trailer
Monday, May 31, 2021
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Combat Ready! (Toying With an Old Idea)
I have a rotating list of projects that I keep working on in my spare time. Some are in various stages of completion and will be finished someday. One idea that seems to pop up most frequently is a simple wargame using those little green Army Men that should be instantly recognizable by most everyone. I purchased a few sets at the Dollar General and Wal-Mart so I have a pretty sizable collection so far and I have spent around $12. I thought I was done buying these figures until I went shopping earlier.
Monday, May 17, 2021
Baldur's Gate I & II Enhanced Edition PS4
Sunday, May 16, 2021
DragonRaid - a Closer Look (Part Four)
This is the final post in this series examining DragonRaid; this post was preceded by part one, part two, and part three . This post looks at the secondary material included in the box.
Saturday, May 15, 2021
DragonRaid - a Closer Look (Part Three)
This post was preceded by part one and part two of this series.
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Resident Evil: Village - I Got It!